• {{showTotalQuantity()}} item(s) - {{showTotal() | number:2}}

How to Order

How to order using the Sentry Box website:

After adding all items you are interested in to your Bag of Holding you can then check out and choose one of two options.

1) Mail Order

This is for if you would like the item to be shipped or delivered to you. You will need to provide your full mailing address.

2) Put on hold for in store pick up

This is for if you would like us to put any items aside for you to come and purchase in store in the coming 7 days. During the month of December max hold time is 2 days. 

If you need an instant response on a hold request contacting us by phone is always the fastest option. tel:4032452121

For all options above your order is not confirmed until we have responded to you by email. We need to confirm the items are in stock and available and possibly calculate shipping costs. We will contact you to let you know what we have in stock and give you a final quote.

For mail order, we will then ask for payment details, and we accept: Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard or Amex), PayPal (sent to sentrybox@sentrybox.com) or e-transfer (sent to orders@sentrybox.com). After the payment is received we will process the order and let you know that it has been shipped.

Please note that, despite our best efforts, our stock numbers are not always accurate, which is why we need to confirm stock levels before orders can be confirmed.